Friday, July 2, 2010

Austin DWI Lawyers

Austin DWI Lawyers

Austin, Texas DWI Attorneys handling DWI and drunk driving defense cases in Travis County, Texas. Call the Dunham Law Firm today to speak with an Austin DWI Lawyer to find out how they can help you.

For an immediate free consultation on your arrest for driving while intoxicated in Austin, Texas, call (512) 777-7777 or simply fill out the contact form to your left. The Dunham Law Firm has been handling Texas DWI cases since 1989 and has over 200 years combined legal experience. Many of the criminal defense lawyers are former Assistant District Attorneys with many years of trial experience. But hurry time is important for keeping your Texas Driver's License.

Fill out the form to your left to have Austin DWI Lawyers with the Dunham Law Firm send you your free arrest report regarding your DWI arrest in Travis County, Texas.

The Dunham Law Firm handles Texas DWI (Driving While Intoxicated), DUI (Driving Under the Influence) and BWI (Boating While Intoxicated) cases in and around Travis County, Texas. Having Texas Board Certified Criminal Law Specialists* and former prosecutors handling your DWI defense case in Austin can make the difference between winning, going to jail or doing DWI probation. You will find our law firm to be very knowledgeable about Texas DWI Laws and drunk driving penalties and information.

Finding an Experienced DWI Lawyer in Austin

When selecting legal representation, realize that the experience of your Austin DWI Attorney in Texas is very important. The way your DWI defense case is handled will have an influence on the outcome and thus your future. Having Texas Board Certified Criminal Law Specialists* on your side can mean the difference between obtaining a good result and a bad result. At the Dunham Law Firm, many of our criminal defense attorneys have previously been Assistant District Attorneys, spending years perfecting their courtroom skills. We know the procedures of the criminal court system and can make that system work for you.

Proven Track Record against DWI's in Travis County, Texas

The Dunham Law Firm has accumulated a highly successful record of acquittals, dismissals and reductions in DWI defense. Each TX DWI is different, but note that the criminal defense lawyers at the Dunham Law Firm always start with the goal of getting your charge of driving while intoxicated in Austin dismissed or reduced to a traffic ticket.

Serious Consequences for a Texas DWI in Austin

A Texas DWI charge has serious consequences. You may lose your Texas Driver's License, experience a substantial increase in car insurance rates, pay large fines and court costs, suffer a driver's license surcharge ranging from $3,000.00 to $6,000.00, and possibly face jail time.

Don't leave your future to chance. Select an Austin DWI Lawyer who will fight for you. At the Dunham Law Firm we will work for dismissal or reduction of your DWI charge. If we are successful, you may even be able to have your arrest record and fingerprints torn up! Don't let this arrest record affect your job or your future; call us immediately to discuss how we can handle your Texas DWI.

Affordable Legal Fees and Pay Plans

Our legal fees are fair and competitive, especially for Texas Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist. In most DWI cases, we charge a low flat rate and often do not require any money down. The initial consultation is free. When you factor in our legal experience and proven case results, the Dunham Law Firm is a good choice for those who want the highest quality of legal representation at a fair and reasonable cost.

A Word of Warning about your Texas Driver's License

You have only 15 days from the date of your DWI arrest in Texas to request a hearing on your Texas Driver's License. According to the Texas DWI laws, if you fail to request a hearing, your Texas Driver's License may be suspended and you face the probability of paying huge fines for several years. It is important that you hire quality legal representation for this hearing to challenge the license suspension. Having legal representation for this license hearing provides an opportunity for your criminal defense attorney to question the arresting police officer. Putting the police officer on the stand helps to establish his or her position, which can be very beneficial to your DWI defense case.

Texas Driver's License Surcharge (Fines)

Since 2003, the Texas Department of Public Safety has been authorized to levy a surcharge on Texas Driver's Licenses suspended for DWI and alcohol related arrests. This surcharge can range from $1,000.00 to $2,000.00 per year for three years. Depending on your DWI, you could be facing a $6,000.00 fee just to keep your Texas Driver's License. Now you know why it is so important to fight your driver's license suspension.

Read more about Texas DWI Penalties.

Speak to an Austin DWI Lawyer Today

Call the Austin DWI Attorneys at the Dunham Law Firm in Texas today to discuss the ways they can help you keep your Texas Driver's License and try to dismiss or reduce your driving while intoxicated charge. The TX DWI attorneys at the Dunham Law Firm will take the necessary time to explain the whole process of your driving while intoxicated charge that you face.

Dunham Law Firm, P.C.
1800 Guadalupe Street
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 777-7777

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